Pump After Sales

We offer a wide range of after sales services for our pump customers including

Working with strategic alliance partners we can offer a step-by-step managed overhaul acting as owners engineer or inspect and on occasion expediter.

This ensures your pump is returned to its “as-new” condition in a timely manner.

Sometimes you need a specialist, other times you may need an expert second opinion.

Spectrum Engineering Solutions has been providing engineering consultancy for many years and has particular expertise in the following areas:

Independent Expert
Interim Management

Whether you are looking for replacement parts or support for obsolete machinery we have the solutions to meet your needs.

Our services are used for:

  • Stock reduction initiatives
  • Alternative source for capital spares
  • Upgrading for improved reliability
  • Emergency requirements
  • Life extension

Sometimes you need a specialist, other times you may need an expert second opinion.

Spectrum Engineering Solutions has been providing engineering consultancy for many years and has particular expertise in the following areas:

Independent Expert
Interim Management

Due to plant and process changes over the years, pumps may no longer be operating to their original design concept.

Spectrum’s solutions can provide improved performance, upgrades or downrates in capacity and modernisation of spares and ancillaries.

Looking to reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint? Then Solve it with Spectrum.

Many existing pumping systems throughout the UK have been found to be operating outwith their most efficient potential.

This is a result of the pump being in a deteriorated condition or the pump being mismatched to the system or not being controlled effectively or the original design concept has changed over the years or a combination of all the above.

Spectrum Engineering Solutions provide a wide range of modifications to bring the pump back to an as new condition or modified hydraulics to better match the pump to the system.

These solutions include but are not limited to:

  • Trimmed Impeller
  • Modified Hydraulics
  • Internal Coatings
  • Improved utilisation of storage
  • Variable Speed Drives
  • System changes


These modifications can often be justified financially on the basis of reduced energy costs giving a payback.

Short of resources?

If you have a pump project to handle in addition to your day to day activities we can look after the project.

When personnel are off for an extended period we can provide qualified cover.

To discuss how we can help your business, contact Spectrum Engineering Solutions on 01786 823099 or email us