We offer a uniquely designed floating tube skimmer that lifts fats, oils and grease and leaves behind the water with no oil residue.
Several hundred manufacturing plants in the U.K., currently benefit from using our skimmers for fat, oil and grease harvesting. Typical oil collection rates are approx. 40 litres/hour for light oil such as diesel, and up to 300 litres/hour for thick, viscous oil such as chicken fat. Moreover, we can guarantee virtually no water residue in the skimmed oil.
Financial Advantages
Operating Advantages
Removal and transport of animal and vegetable oils and fats for further processing or disposal.
Reclaiming waste oil before further processing, discharge or disposal. Correctly designed skimming systems remove oil without removing much water thus reducing oil disposal.
Where waste oil from leaks, spills and other sources must be retrieved from sumps before water can be discharged to storm or sanitary sewers.
Tramp oils in coolants, such as those for machining centres, reduce the life and effectiveness of the coolant, and can lead to machine malfunctions. Skimmers used in this manner typically return their initial investment within just a few months.
Quench oils which must be removed from treated parts can be captured for re-use or disposal, resulting in lower oil costs, prolonged wash water life and lower oil disposal costs.
Tramp oils must be removed from wash so the water can be recycled or discharged, and so parts won’t be coated as they are processed.
Where floating oils are present, industrial oil skimmers can provide an inexpensive and effective means of removing the oil.
To discuss how we can help your business, contact Spectrum Engineering Solutions on 01786 823099 or email us
Phone Number: 01786 823099
Email: solutions@solveitwithspectrum.com
Spectrum Engineering Solutions
Keir & Cawder Estate, Craigarnhall, Bridge of Allan, FK9 4NG
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